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About Us

BCA (Private) Limited partners private, public and civil society organizations in offering sustainable solutions in developing enterprises, building resilient communities, , providing energy services and implementation and continual improvement of world class performance standards.

The Company aims at delivering a consistent level of service and customer satisfaction with safe and secure working practices while having minimal impact on the environment.

BCA Consulting

Delivering a consistent level of service and customer satisfaction


To be the consultant of choice in sustainability, energy and enterprise development.


We partner public, private and civil society organisations in the development and implementation of sustainability, energy and enterprise development innovative solutions.



We ensure that the safety and health of people is guaranteed. We treat every human being with respect and dignity and do not segregate people based on gender, race, religion or physical ability. We respect human rights and uphold societal moral values.


We value sustainable utilisation of natural resources and prevention of environmental pollution


We offer value for money on any investment made with us and ensure that our clients get their worth of the investment made.


We utilise best available technologies and standards to offer efficient and effective solutions to our clients.

Meet Our Managing Director

Dr Dingane Sithole holds a PhD in Climate Change Mitigation, MSc-MSOM, BSc (Hns) Applied Chemistry and MBA-Financial services. He is a Lean Six Sigma Black Belt holder; Certified Green Industry Expert (UNIDO) and certified UNFCCC expert reviewer. He also holds certificates in Quality Assurance (City and Guilds), and auditing Quality (ISO 9001), Environmental (ISO14001) and Safety (ISO45001), Energy (ISO 50001).


Dr Sithole is the Chairperson of the Standards Association of Zimbabwe Technical Committee SE 015 on the Circular Economy; Member of the Roster of NDC Partnership Economic Advisory Support; member Institute of Directors Zimbabwe (IoDZ); Zimbabwe Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) Technical Committee on Legal and Transparency and chairperson and Business Council for Sustainable Development-Zimbabwe (BCSDZ) Technical Committee on Climate Change and air emissions chairperson.


He is also a former member of the Zimbabwe National Task Team on Climate Change, United Nations Development Programme (UNDP)-GEF Small and Grants Facility National Steering Committee and Environment Africa Climate Change hub.