Company Overview

BCA (Private) Limited partners private, public and civil society organizations in offering sustainable solutions in developing enterprises, building resilient communities, , providing energy services and implementation and continual improvement of world class performance standards.

The Company aims at delivering a consistent level of service and customer satisfaction with safe and secure working practices while having minimal impact on the environment.

Delivering a consistent level of service and customer satisfaction

Our systems and procedures protect and secure people, the environment, customer property and information using a risk-based approach.

Our Approach (EADEC)

Through the management system, the company will manage all identified risks to the business and ensure sufficient risk mitigation strategies are in place.


Conduct an in-depth study to gather enough data and information about the project or phenomenon


Analyse data and information applying suitable models and tools to identify deficiencies and opportunities for improvement


Design and develop tailor made solutions, clearly outlining project milestones, outputs and outcomes.


Implement the solution using an integrated and systematic approaches


Monitor and measure outcomes and outputs. Generate data, information and reports.

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